Would you like more customers for your small business?
Our workshops are designed for small and start-up businesses and people turning hobbies into businesses. They take place at our office in Danderyd, north of Stockholm and help you grow your business. Below are the sessions we are running this coming autumn:
The cost of these two-hour sessions is 490 kr inc MOMS per person in advance by SWISH to 0709247260. For more information or booking, please get in touch with us at www.myownmarketingcoach.com or email [email protected]. 22/4/2018 08:45:34
I've learned so much from the said workshop! It's simply unavoidable for a certain company not to face a problem because all successful companies didn't become big if they weren't able to win a struggle that had been part of their journey. In the workshop, it was discussed how to solve a certain problem, may it be big or small. To all businessmen, please know that these problems are part of the process and everything will soon fall into place. All you need to do is to be strong and have faith that you can overcome the crisis you're facing right now. 26/7/2019 12:22:14
I was really not into digital before. When I applied for a work, I ignore digital stuffs because I know that I am still not good about it. I do not know what God’s plan is for me so I just go with the flow. I started working back then as digital marketer in my first job. I experienced the depressed stage because I know that I do not deserve fields like that. As time goes by, it became curiosity until I liked the field. So if I saw posts like this, I was really happy. I am really willing to learn more. Comments are closed.
May 2022