Hopefully not. The same applies to your website (and everything else that faces outwards to your potential customers). Thankfully, it is possible to find out all about your website visitors, from where they came from to whether they read down to the bottom of your pages. Or not. Google’s website tracking system, Analytics, is immensely clever, entirely free and using it to understand all about your website users is crucial to making the right business decisions. Why? Because you can see immediately what works and what doesn’t for turning website visitors into clients/customers and then do more of what works and drop what doesn’t. It is that simple. Check out our guide to find out more: Don’t have analytics set up yet? Here is a great (short!) video from Google about getting analytics set up on your website: Do you use Analytics? What do you think of it? What do you get stuck with? Tell us below.
We all know that putting things on paper help us stimulate and structure our thinking. However...getting the first words on paper and knowing what needs to go in a document like a Marketing Plan, that’s a different ball game. With that in mind, what we have done for you is to write you a document with ten very good tips on how to write a marketing plan. These tips will help you get started. The good news is that once you’ve got started you’ve passed the biggest hurdle! Wishing you a lot of success in writing your Marketing Plan, Zen & Annelies Let us know how you get on below or on Facebook.
May 2022